Anxiety and the daily miracleYou know the singular most painful story for me in the Bible? The one that never fails to bring me to the floor?Jun 27, 20241Jun 27, 20241
Life, at the momentYesterday while driving home, my wife was enthusiastically listing all the food that she wanted to try at this food court, and I couldn’t…Jun 13, 2024Jun 13, 2024
Way MakerHe is the way maker. Miracle worker. Promise-keeper. The Light in the darkness. He is all those things. Even if He isn’t those things to…Dec 19, 20231Dec 19, 20231
The RewardHow many times do we pray and work for something and then end up taking those things for granted? How often do we get inured to the honors…Sep 12, 2023Sep 12, 2023
There are some stories in the Bible that stay with you.For some, inspirational stories — multiple accounts of Jesus’ compassion and healing, stories of redemption, and lives being made anew —…Jan 10, 2023Jan 10, 2023
On Forgiveness and Justice — a Filipino Christian perspective as regards to extrajudicial killingsJustice is one of those things that I readily put on the ‘above my paygrade’ column in my viewpoint of Creation. It’s too big, too…Mar 30, 2021Mar 30, 2021
Tithing in the time of Covid-19Tithing, I’ve found, is one of those things Christians find easy to overlook.Apr 8, 2020Apr 8, 2020
Capital ‘E’, lower case ‘d’There is something about Ed (2000) that soothes me.Oct 29, 2019Oct 29, 2019